Theory Nihilhymm

Lasted Updated: 20 March 2023


Theory / Nia (Call me Theory on the TL to avoid confusion, but any name in dms is fine ^^)
18+ (Under 25)
They/Them + Fey/Fem Pronouns
Aro Ace
-Roleplaying in general for FAR too long, roleplaying on twitter since 2017. Wouldn't really call myself experienced?-Mainly in the Pokemon Verse, also have muses in the Bungou Stray Dogs, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Danganronpa verse, but they're very inactive-Pretty chill and friendly, but really bad with talking. I’m easily intimidated by everyone but working on it. I apologise in advance if it takes me a long time to respond, please be patient with me!-Any art that I post on the TL with no credit is my art. I never repost art unless its art for me such as a commission (credit given) or official art/screencaps-I have many accounts and I am so sorry. I go where I have muse/motivation. Please do not follow all of them, there's no need for you to!-Accounts do go private at times!! For two reasons, being inactive on there or people are being weird. It lessens notifications, you're free to request!!-If you need to unfollow, I would prefer if you softblock! I dont care if you end up doing so, whatever makes you comfortable n such.-I usually do not follow people first unless I am familiar with them, just a comfort matter ^^ but I usually follow back, 95% of the time. If I don't for whatever reason I will still interact-Let me know if I am interacting with someone bad! 9 times out of 10 I truly do not know lol-If you see me interacting with Genshin accounts, I am so sorry. Just wanna interact with my friends despite me never playing the game. (This goes for almost anything that is MVRP)-If I, the writer, personally say or do anything that makes you upset or uncomfortable, PLEASE dm me so we can talk about it. I'll apologise, and fix any wrongdoings asap

The Theorists

Note: Some accounts might be on private, but that is only because I have not been active or having not so good people following me.
A couple are not listed cause they'll be flipped at some point or I just dont do much on them

Link for my tagged pin tweetsBungou Stray Dogs
Edgar Allan Poe
Evelyn Allan Poe (TransFem)
Ranpo Edogawa
Kouyou Ozaki
Gin Akutagawa
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott (Port Mafia ! AU)
Margaret Mitchell
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Kenji Miyazawa
Sonic The Hedgehog
Vanilla The Rabbit
Blaze The Cat
Miles Tails Prower
Bark The Polar Bear
Kirumi Tojo
Miu Iruma
Maki Harukawa
Kaede Akamatsu
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi Saihara (BSDRV3 AU)
Rantaro Amami
Gonta Gokuhara
Chiaki Nanami
Mikan Tsumiki
Sonia Nevermind
Mahiru Koizumi
Sakura Ogami
Kyoko Kirigiri
Kimestu Ni Yaiba
Kocho Shinobu
Boku No Hero Academia
Nejire Hado

-For longer threads, I stick to third person and novel style. I try my best to match detail-I usually reply rather than QRT! It's much easier for me to keep track off, and read back on!-Serious and banter. OC and Multiverse Friendly!!-If you have any ideas for plotting, you are free to dm me! It might take some time for me to reply-You are free to nudge/bump replies but please do not do it too often-Liking starter calls or anything similar will not guarantee a starter, simply because I might not have any ideas. If you have one in mind, shoot a dm or mention-You are free to @ my muses for small threads, silly things, pictures, and so on. I do need a heads up for any "serious" writing-I write with my own accounts a lot, whether its serious or silly. Good writing exercise and its fun. Just a general heads up!-Muse =/= Writer! Muse's actions do not present my own.

-As of now, I will not participate in any Storyline-locked events.
-Usually strays away from open events
-Plotting for one on one/small group events is fine.
-Okay with "main timeline" or "mains" on some muses with friends
-Be wary of spoilers, caught up with the series
-Timeline flexible
-Inexperienced with Battle RPs, as in I have never done them
-Will indicate if a muse is Manga/Game/Anime/etc. focused.
-I have little (as in...2%) knowledge about Pokémon Masters
-Scarlet and Violet content/spoilers will appear, nothing for the DLC however
-Not caught up with IDW but okay with spoilers
-I am the most familiar with the Gamecube games and older comics in the Sonic universe
-Accounts are postgame centric, but will do HPA/Canon timelines
-I do not roleplay Killing games
-I do not despair events and or kill other muses
-Spoilers!! Spoilers galore here
That's fine. Feel to softblock if anything because uncomfortable for you (this applies to anyone). Some muses are MDNI for personal comfort and stated in the bio.
Minor muses are fine unless stated otherwise
All Twitter Circles/Private accounts for Muses are MDNI for both writers and muses.

-Will not imply any sort of shipping unless given approval. It's a second thought but if you're interested, just give me a heads up.-Most are Multiship unless stated otherwise. All in their own TL.-Crushing is fine, but nothing moving forward unless it's been talked about.-Ship with development/chemistry, a given-OCs/crossover ships are fine!-Sexuality will be listed in there threads under "shipping information" and/or "headcanons".-No gross/problematic ships, which is a given-18+ Muses are only shipped with other 18+ Muses.-If there is any pairing that makes me uncomfortable, I'll let you know-If we gotta break a ship for whatever reason, just let me know and then everything will be retconned-Being Shipped =/= permission to rp lewd. There is none of that whatsoever. Once again, Jokes and such are a-okay if they're both 18+ but no full on NSFW RPs in DMs

Ships I will not do (Not counting typical red flag ones)
Any ships with the BSD Leaders (Fukuzawa, Mori, Francis, Fukuchi, Fyodor)
Any ships with DR Junko
Rantaro x Kokichi (DR)
Ranpo x Chuuya (BSD)
Note: Writing Red x Yellow (Pokemon) is allowed but preferred to be avoided. I would only consider if I know the said writer and we vibe pretty well if that makes sense. REALLY SORRY about this, bad experiences...If there is anything else I need to make note of, it'll be seen in "Shipping Information" on my threads

-NSFW in means of smut/lewd/sexual content is avoided on all muses. Please do not ask for it-NSFW in means of jokes/suggestive text are possible, kept to a minimum, also only with (specific) muses and writers that are of age. Tagged accordingly-NSFW by means of heavy violence or dark themes may be present depending on the context. Tagged Accordingly-If you are a primary NSFW page in means of smut/lewd/sexual content please do not follow-Twitter Circles and Private Muse Accounts have NSFW content in means of heavier themes and possible adult banter. Content is tagged accoringly, no smut rps in circles/privates

-Just dont be mean I guess??? If you're chill then we chill
-And don't be gross and disrespectful
Please double check if the artist is even OKAY with their art being used as an icon or header. Please provide a link or artist's name somewhere in a thread or bio. This is SO Important, please do it
Saying credit to artist, Zerochan, and Pinterest doesnt countUse this site to help with looking for the original source

I cannot handle these: Vomit/Emeto, Cancer/Illnesses similar, Parent Death, Hospitals/Patients in Hospitals, Doki Doki Liteature ClubExperiences extreme discomfort with Ranpo/Chuuya from BSD and Kokichi/Rantaro from DRV3. Please do not follow if you RP these pairings often ^^; (platonic stuff is fine)
If you are a long-term DR Mutual and rps Kokichi/Rantaro, you're fine